Let me know if there is any certain brand you want. If you want wildcrafted, or conventional or an oil that is USDA organic let me know that too.
Some oils are more therapeutic than others. Helichrysum can have as low as 10% sesquiterpenes while another brand has 20%. Both smell the same but in a lab is the only way to tell the difference. Some oils have menthol and camphor added that can make the oil smell more intense. I only promote lab tested oils that are proven to be authentic 100% oil by lab testing.
If you want to smell the difference between two brands also let me know. I urge people to compare wild crafted and USDA organic oils and compare to conventional to compare the differences. I can send a sample of a conventional oil and an organic oil so you can compare.
Best time to call:
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If you are interested in getting a certain brand, take my essential oil quiz and I will send you samples from the brands that best fit the answers you choose. Please take my essential oil quiz after your request for samples.
Sample reserve grade lavender grown in the highest altitudes in France. Most lavender has a soft and sweet smell. This is very sharp and medicinal and smells way stronger than any other lavender in the world. This IS reserve qualtiy.
This is in limited supply. This reserve has the smoothest lavender aroma I've ever smelled.